Starting this rather mammoth session I quickly hunt down some feral ghouls on my way though to find Roy only a couple of these and I quickly get Level 13 taking Finesse. Then I wrap up some ghoul punch-bag action poor, poor Roy et al.

Well annoyed by all that, as I was hoping to explore the alternate quest ‘avenues’ I did get to the nuka plant at the end of my trek, and found a deathclaw waiting for me… my 1st to fight bare-knuckle. VATS caused a knock out and I finished it off without injury what a poor showing, a deathclaw… punched to death.

So, my new face! Behold!!!
I then spent a loooo-ooo-ooong time cleaning out Rob-co getting level 14 in the process, the immense amount of loot hauling prompting me to take strong back (really actually taking the perk, not like last time when I thought I’d taken it) in between mass Rob-co looting I nip over to the cemetery to grab the LK bobblehead. Then back to Rob-co to finish up my mega-looting session.
With Rob-co all done that’s the last peg in my Wasteland Survival Guide quest, and Moira can go shove it.
Being that I’m finishing up loose ends I decide to make a conceited effort to get the game back onto the main plot quest, so over to germantown . I practice my new tactic of; dose up on psycho, med-x, jet or quantum and run at the mutants swinging blindly. Which works quite well even against the tougher mutant masters. Needless to say I wrap up the germantown / big-town thing, seemingly in record time as well… something to be said for this unarmed combat style!
Happy that I’m back on the main quest I go about making sure I have my meds stocked and loot sold and then. . .
OH for fucks sake… BSOD … seriously this game crashed more often than wall street.
As a small point of interest, in my little write up I’d put that the game is on hard. I had reason to go into my settings at one point during this game I noticed that it had actually been set on Very Hard. Cool!
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