S- 9
P- 5
E- 6
C- 5
I- 5
A- 5
L- 5
Chapter 1
I begin the whole thing by unloading a large plethora of mods that usually prop up my fallout gaming to a more enjoyable level of gameplay… I also untick the DLC’s although, depending on how bored I become of this experiment, I may or may not add them back in.
I then sit through the god awful ‘intro/tutorial’ that is the baby & youth period of Vault 101. I chose a suitably retarded looking face by twiddling the sliders until my character looked like a frozen slapped arse that had been hit with the ugly stick, the ugly branch and the finally the whole damn ugly tree.
For the sheer bloody mindedness of my game-play at this point in time (randomly clicking through dialogue options) I end up having to sit through the GOAT as well. Coupled with already endured the birthing sequence, I was about ready to call this all to and end there and then…
For the sheer bloody mindedness of my game-play at this point in time (randomly clicking through dialogue options) I end up having to sit through the GOAT as well. Coupled with already endured the birthing sequence, I was about ready to call this all to and end there and then…
But I manage to pull through, and ignoring the outcome I choose to TAG unarmed and some other ones (explosives I think… and perhaps barter?) the point being these other skills will be mostly ignored. Unarmed is what this is all about so I’m going to max that pretty quick.
Blah blah blah story-line etc etc Amata blah, Overseer blah, you know the drill… The short version of it all: escaping the vault primarily wearing vault security uniform proved quite easy. No great surprise as I’ve done this before (to prove a point on the NMA forums) a good number of stimpacks and radroach meat, means that at no point was I really in any danger of being done in.
I beat the bejesus out of the Overseer, and make my way out. Onward to Megaton! (leaving the vault shoves me over to Level 2, and I get ‘swift learner’ and prop up my unarmed and basic skills (explosive, repair, barter, sneak).

Oh, ok. So I nip over to the super-duper*, grab the crap (and some surrounding bits and bobs, and ‘warp’ back to megaton (after grabbing some raiders ‘loot’ which a kindly radscorpion had made available to me)
*A small point of note: on my journey, a Vicious Dog very nearly killed me, but thanks to Cheat mode (aka: VATS) and my ever handy pause-time-and-space-quantum-physics-defying-wrist-gadget (see also: Pipboy screen) I manage to dose up on meds and beat the doggy down. |
So, back in Megaton, Moira gets me to Level 3 (adding 1 point to agility and upping my stats similar to before) I finish up pestering Moriarty about dad so that I can get back on to ‘the story’ with that done, I go back to my newly acquired house and save the game.
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