• The Trials and Travels of Philly McNoweps

    To play through Fallout 3 using no weapons at all.
    • I will be using stimpacks, I will be using med-x (and other chems)
    • I will be using armour, although at the same time I will be testing out ‘silly costumes’ if only for screenshot oddities.
    • I will be min-maxing my character, If only to ensure absolute game breaking mechanics.
    • I will at times be using the console ‘setownership’ and if things piss me off ‘unlock’ but not so that I break the game completely.

    The game will be set on hard [see following edit] difficulty. - - Edited info; I found that the game was set to Very Hard.

Small Third instalment

Posted by Cratchety Ol Joe On 09:13 0 comments

Due to some kind of alien mind wipe I’ve all but forgotten what the hell I’m doing today so I’ll just give the basics…

Moira is still insisting that I ‘help her’ so I caved in and went out with the big stick-o-death looking for molerats. I really hope this is the ONLY time I have to use any kind of weapon in this game, even caving in to this one occasion has kinda made me feel like I’ve failed in my challenge.

I warp out to the war memorial and head to tepid sewers, in doing so I’d forgotten about two certain mirelurks, what didn’t help is that two more had spawned! Liberal use of stimpaks and VAT’s  (I manage to kill one outright in vats!) and I find that although I’m now light on meds mirelurks aren’t too much of a hassle. Ito the tepid sewers I dive, brandishing el twig de mort. Crush a few molerats skulls mission complete I then go back to fisty mode and hunt out the raiders that hide in the area, looting them and all the stuff around them.

I somehow ended up emerging in Georgetown … I was a little confused but checking some maps it seems the two do link together. In g’town I see fit to beat up (and knock out while doing so…) a super mutant master and a centaur then its warpy time to megaton.

Now happy at her dead rat situation Moira tells me to go break my bones (1 big jump off of a high platform later) and to plant the observation device in the mirelurk spawning grounds, with my newfound confidence fighting mirelurks coupled with my now replenished med’s I take on the quest and a couple of warps and a few stimpaks later and all is well with Moira.

Not entirely sure if I went up a level, will have to check that…

I probably looted several places as I went about doing this, and I recall nipping into Dukov’s and using ‘setownership’ on the bed so I could insta-heal without having to warp back and forth to Megaton. All that done I save game in Megaton once more.

three part two

Posted by Cratchety Ol Joe On 12:12 0 comments

Ok then folks; picking up from lat time, straight off the bat, Moira asks me to go and get radiated so no fistycuff’s required, skip ahead to minefield. My journey to the minefield almost cut short by yet another vicious dog and some raiders, the fight with the dog depletes my med’s so I have to sneak around the raiders and head to minefield (albeit at a slower pace and with only 61hp of my 240 max… the raiders spot me and not wanting al out confrontation I ‘holster’ my fists and make a run for minefield, and as soon as I’m there duck into the first house, scooping up loot and taking a 1 hour insta-heal nap.

Warping back to megaton before going into minefield proper, I gather up meds selling off all the loot I’ve rustled up, at the same time taking opportunity to wander into Lucas’s house to wander about and take a bobblehead he just happens to have there.

I warp over to 101 entrance, to pick up some bits I’d dropped there… I need more med’s still before I brave minefield unarmed. I happen to notice as I pass the approach to springvale that a certain Deputy Weld’s corpse (which previously had glitch-catapulted away from where I’d killed him) I warp back into Megaton to grab all the meds I can, at the same time I wrap up Silver/Moriarty so to continue the main plot a little.

WAAAARP into minefield, disarm a bunch of mines and wey-hay Level 4 bounces along and smacks into me. A rank in Iron Fist and I boost my repair and Unarmed skills (a couple of points elsewhere but not important) Super-Teleportathon back to Megaton (oh goody a way to travel completely unhindered and risk free, THANKS Beth-) Moira now tells me I have to test the repellent stick… Dilemma time! Use a weapon!?!?!? Erk… Worse still when I try to ‘lie’ my way around the situation I fail the check.

Ignoring my little weapon related dilemma I warp back to super duper mart in search of some XP and to test out my newly Ironed fists. A giant radscorp ambushes my warp in, but thanks to ‘knocking it out’ (seriously, I VAT’s him a couple times and then it just kinda fell over unconscious so I beat the crap out of it. The radscorp comes around gives me a nasty Jab which VERY nearly kills me outright (Pipboy-insta-heal) and I finish it off. Diving inside I find that dispatching the armed raiders (which I’d previously left alone) is quite easy, most are killed with a combo of 1x VAT’s and a couple punches to follow. I steal their armour (my previous armour in tatters) and go about looting everything in the super-duper (literally… everything)

After the super duper I skip along over to Whelems warf, a little trading with Sparkle and then on to the mined bridge for more XP.. (Annoyingly as I’m about to disarm one of the mines that silly Brat interrupts me to tell me all about his poor missing poppa. FUCK OFF KID!!! I’M BUS.. *BOOM* .. oh never mind, what was it you wanted? I scrape my way into Level 5, spreading skillpoints about a bit and deciding on another rank of Iron Fist.

I thank bubbah that I took that extra rank, as I get to the war memorial, go inside for some light looting, finding out that mirelurks are tough buggers when you’re just punching them. I leave the war memorial only to find.. Dun dun duuuuuh… Talon Co.

The fight went quite well (again I manage to ‘knock out’ one of my opponents) but it uses up what meds I have left, so I loot and put on the Talon armour I ponder going after the molerats with the big stick.. instead I find myself warded away by a couple mirelurks I have no wish to tangle with, a bit of running and a short swim later and I’m far enough away to contact ‘scotty’ and let him know I need beaming to Megaton.

Introductions All Round...

Posted by Cratchety Ol Joe On 13:02 0 comments

Starting character

S- 9
P- 5
E- 6
C- 5
I- 5
A- 5
L- 5

Chapter 1
I begin the whole thing by unloading a large plethora of mods that usually prop up my fallout gaming to a more enjoyable level of gameplay… I also untick the DLC’s although, depending on how bored I become of this experiment, I may or may not add them back in.

I then sit through the god awful ‘intro/tutorial’ that is the baby & youth period of Vault 101. I chose a suitably retarded looking face by twiddling the sliders until my character looked like a frozen slapped arse that had been hit with the ugly stick, the ugly branch and the finally the whole damn ugly tree.
For the sheer bloody mindedness of my game-play at this point in time (randomly clicking through dialogue options) I end up having to sit through the GOAT as well. Coupled with already endured the birthing sequence, I was about ready to call this all to and end there and then…

But I manage to pull through, and ignoring the outcome I choose to TAG unarmed and some other ones (explosives I think… and perhaps barter?) the point being these other skills will be mostly ignored. Unarmed is what this is all about so I’m going to max that pretty quick.

Blah blah blah story-line etc etc Amata blah, Overseer blah, you know the drill… The short version of it all: escaping the vault primarily wearing vault security uniform proved quite easy. No great surprise as I’ve done this before (to prove a point on the NMA forums) a good number of stimpacks and radroach meat, means that at no point was I really in any danger of being done in.

I beat the bejesus out of the Overseer, and make my way out. Onward to Megaton! (leaving the vault shoves me over to Level 2, and I get ‘swift learner’ and prop up my unarmed and basic skills (explosive, repair, barter, sneak).

Upon arrival at the gate to megaton, a small glitch occurs, a raider suddenly spawns right there in front of me and the robot chap, I proceed to beat him up, and in doing so accidentally hit the robot (which sets him to aggressive) and so I have to beat the robot up too! Turns out he’s called Deputy Weld… all this time I never knew he had a name. Anyway, I make my way into Megaton, insult Lucas, fix the bomb and get a key to a house! YAY!!! I sell up all the crap I’m carrying and at the same time get given the Armoured Vault Suit (which I switch to) and get asked to do the Wasteland survival guide.

Oh, ok. So I nip over to the super-duper*, grab the crap (and some surrounding bits and bobs, and ‘warp’ back to megaton (after grabbing some raiders ‘loot’ which a kindly radscorpion had made available to me)

*A small point of note: on my journey, a Vicious Dog very nearly killed me, but thanks to Cheat mode (aka: VATS) and my ever handy pause-time-and-space-quantum-physics-defying-wrist-gadget (see also: Pipboy screen) I manage to dose up on meds and beat the doggy down.

So, back in Megaton, Moira gets me to Level 3 (adding 1 point to agility and upping my stats similar to before) I finish up pestering Moriarty about dad so that I can get back on to ‘the story’ with that done, I go back to my newly acquired house and save the game.